
Are you frustrated by your blocks and want a break through now?
Family Constellations work to explore sub conscious drivers of these blocks and find resolution by unwinding deep tensions and finding a visceral forgiveness or understanding that results in profound transformation ” it’s like ‘cranio-sacral’ treatment for the family system.”

Victoria of Seed Idea offers online 1:1 sessions for people across the globe – for updates and news like the Family Constellation Facebook page

Originally inspired by her own personal work in Family Constellations, Victoria went on to train in 2009-2011 in a range of Systemic Constellations as listed above with Albrecht Mahr, Dr Ursula Franke, Jan Jacob Stam, Vivian Broughton; Barbara Morgan, and yet it all started with Sarasi Rogers.

DSC_0093Feedback from clients say it’s a very useful tool to get perspective and a sense of other parties dynamics. Regarding Victoria, they say that she is very grounded in her approach, genuinely inclusive, patient and with a keen perception, which helps reveal the layers of subtle information.

Initially I loved working with the large group and the traditional way of having the whole family members represented but as my work deepened I find working one to one more satisfying. Working with just the client and the issue and having them represent all influences via felts. This way the understanding and body healing is all happening within the client and their field. This is just my preferred way of working on individual constellations. Saying that my group work via Joyflow is very exciting and a completely different offering.” Victoria

“Victoria’s work is life changing. She combines a unique gift for holding a space of clarity and focus with surrendering completely to the flow. Victoria keeps you somatically engaged and away from story, and this is where the magic happens. We got straight to the (very unexpected) root of the issue and the amount of release and resolution from one session was astounding. I cannot recommend this work highly enough. Everyone could benefit from this.”
Akhilanda Ananda, Devon, UK

I just wanted to thank you for the constellation session you ran the other day with us. This was my first experience of constellation and I was impressed. It was a full, rich, deep morning which brought clarity, insight, understanding and, above all, a sense of certainty that had to do with uniting body, brain and heart. It took the vision and the reality of the event we’re organising several steps forward in a remarkably short time. Great work! Thanks.” Sue Charman, Wood Sisters Director & Event organiser – UK

Victoria holds a warm and safe space. She seems navigate the unknown effortlessly, giving me plenty of room to follow my own process.”   P.J. Sunshine Coast, Australia        More reviews – click on link

To be held in Victoria Whelan’s nurturing embrace and to receive her wisdom with an open heart…. is to know that everything is going to be okay. I found the process subtle, yet powerful. A journey that takes you right to the core of the wound, all the while feeling her deep holding and a sense of comfort & safety. From this space, she intuitively delivers powerful reflections that serve as an unlocking – opening your awareness to the link between core wounds and inhibiting behaviour patterns both within yourself and for those that impact your experience. The gift you receive is clarity & understanding. Victoria has an innate ability to lead you to a place where surrender feels easeful and reclaiming your power more available than ever before. The ability to heal ancestral trauma is available through this work. Thank you Victoria for the magic you weave.” Cine Holland, Byron Bay, Australia